Dental care advice by surgeon
The dentist prescribed some tips to patients once they successfully removed the wisdom teeth. The victim can feel some severe sore throat and it can be vanished by proper oral care for about a few months. The sore throat is a little painful and impacts a lot in giving an inconvenient feeling to them. Sore throat can also lead you to infection with fever because of the bacteria and germs spreading inside that molar extracted tooth area. When you feel the heavy sore throat pain you consult with your dental surgeon and he will give some tips to get rid of it. You will feel difficulty in eating food and brushing teeth. You can try the home remedy to handle this sore throat pain by gargling your mouth with lukewarm water and salt. The methods for handling the wisdom teeth have many treatment types and they are like conservative, jawbone reconstruction and extraction of mal-positioned teeth prior to the orthodontic methods. The impact of this tooth has a different pain feel depending upon the patient's age. For a 35 year old patient it is a difficult task to do the third molar extraction process because of the swelling and bleeding pain. For a 50 year old patient it is a very difficult task to remove teeth removal because of the effect of aging with jawbone fuses to teeth. This age group also faces the risk of numbness problems with the tooth extraction process. The wisdom teeth have much more dental problems when it comes to misalignment in tooth structure.
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Submitted on: 2021-08-07 03:19:05